Pollinator hedgerow planted!

In late summer, volunteers researched the best options for flowering plants to attract pollinators and provide habitat adjacent to the PCC farm. Thanks to the Marion Soil & Water Conservation District partner grant, we were able to purchase about ten different species, such as huckleberry, hyssop, and mock orange, and plant them as a border hedgerow along the south side of the main farm area this fall. While they are small now, SLC and the PCC farmer and farm committee will tend to them over the next year or two to ensure they become established. As many are native plants, they should not need significant watering or care once they are established.

According to MSWCD, a hedgerow is a designed and managed line of shrubs, trees and flowers that can benefit various wildlife species. Benefits include providing habitat connectivity, cover, nesting sites, and various food sources including fruits, seeds, nuts, and berries that sustain many wildlife species, especially during the winter months when food sources may be scarce.

If you are interested in planting your own hedgerow, check out this great resource: Western Oregon & Washington Hedgerow Planting for Pollinators

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